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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2020

radio71shirt- Sonic Mando Shirt

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Buy it:  Sonic Mando Shirt Everytime the enter that room so being across the room still can do more Candice Bearden the workers come in and out that take care of your  Sonic Mando Shirt  loved ones and they are exposed to other people on the outside! I don’t see why they can’t have a few visitors. No worse than workers! It is sad but they have to protect these patients. I have a dear friend in the Courtyard in Yuba City.I tapped on her window to say “hi”.She was all smiles and said the staff brings her her meals, she has her TV and phone. From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt

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Buy it:  Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt I work and go straight home, undress in the garage, put my scrubs directly into my washer and take an immediate shower. Anything I need is delivered. I've followed the stay at home orders but sadly way to many haven't. Unnecessary trips  Pallbearers Dance Stay Safe Or Dance With Them Shirt  outside of your homes are what keeps the virus going. Viruses don't move, people move them.Cherylann Wright you are right that need to provide what we will wear to protect ourselves and childrenOpen it all back up immediately. This crap had gone on too long. From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt

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Buy it:  Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt Mask was down and she spent several minutes whipping her eyes and face with no gloves or cloth. Nursing homes are a hot bed in part due to Pikachu Playstation Pew Pew Shirt   isolation. If there is ppe for visitors they should be allowed in.What would you wear to protect yourself and your family from exposure? There aren't enough PPE for the staff alone who are caring for loved ones so there definately isn't enough for visitors.As a healthcare worker I will say this From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt That should be an easy decision for a spouse who is not in the facility. Do you want them to remain alive or do you want to enter and possibly infect Pink Horse And Brown Horse 2020 Toilet Paper The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt   them and change that status? The choice should be you do not just drag germs in for your loved one, but for everyone else too. STAY HOME and get this OVER with! Did you see the clip of the health care worker who was in tears and beyond emotional outside a nursing home? From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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Buy it:  Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt Someone will hook it up for himI just stated my feelings and hate that sick & elderly have to be alone. I’m asking what can be done for ONE Pug Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt  visitor be allowed(most important a spouse or parent) buy him a DVD player drop it off someone will hook it up for him! I have two children and he is hungry don't have food to eat I'm very sadMy husbands mother is in a nursing home but he understands if we have something it could effect more then just her,8 here in NH..all from some unknown carrier From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt If a loved one can't use a call button then a family member should be there. yeah but they are needed. Visits are non essential and the risks  Shih Tzu Mom 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  outweigh the benefits. I agree. There are a lot of nursing home facilities that were inundated with the virus long after the lock down. It absolutely wasn’t family bringing it in at that point. It was the staff.I work in a nursing home, ( no cases as of today), but we're losing residents to loneliness. From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt

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Buy it:  Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt We do everything we can, so they can talk to loved ones. For some it's just not the same.I think the hearts of all the Christian brothers and Put On Mask Coroffna Coroffna Shirt  sisters who do not understand my compulsion are very upset I am very upset there is nothing to eat at home, my country is closed and our business is nothing but I am a Christian. I ask people to help my family as much as possible for God buy him a DVD player and drop it off From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Skull Crazy Mom Shirt

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Buy it:  Skull Crazy Mom Shirt And most of all she is glad they are keeping all of our “germs” out! they're not alone! We're taking care of them &trying to help them Skull Crazy Mom Shirt  feel loved, by us!, finally someone said it. I can't count the times my sister & I had to take shifts during hospital stays with my Mom to ensure she was being cared for properly. We learned the hard way that just because they are a nurse/Dr doesn't always mean they should be From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt

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Buy it:  Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt we are seeing what happens when the virus gets in. That is THE breeding ground for this virus, it is ravaging nursing homes nationwide, quite a few in my own state. now if a resident is at the end of life stage we will let 2 has to be the  Stay Home And Watch Cool Runnings Shirt same 2 in to be with that resident end of life if 2 family member do come to be resident the 2 are screened Everytime the come and leave they wear mask but u have people that can't even catch a cold or it could kill them and employees have to wear protective equipment From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Flower Just A Girl With A Speed Problem Subaru Shirt

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Buy it:  Flower Just A Girl With A Speed Problem Subaru Shirt I work.in a ltcf we can't let people visit they are some very sick people in these places we are talking stage 4 cancer hospice patients all it takes is Flower Just A Girl With A Speed Problem Subaru Shirt  one visitor to get that highly immune compromised person sick family does visit at their windows not the same ik but residents enjoy that and they Skype and zoom and staff keeps them busy with hallway bingo and other activities absolutely not From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Hello Fifty 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it:  Hello Fifty 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt It would be careless to fan the flames. please tell her thank you. My father is in a memory care unit and we miss him desperately. Bless your daughter Hello Fifty 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  and her kind heart Jocelyne J C Jeannot chill! No need to go there. I was not implying that at all. Just a Discussion. she loves her patients and would sacrifice just about anything for them. We are very proud of her and her chosen profession. From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Just Biden My Time til The Revolution Shirt

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Buy it:  Just Biden My Time til The Revolution Shirt I wear a mask and sanitize and let me see him. He has a room  Just Biden My Time til The Revolution Shirt to himself. Just absolutely heartbreaking. ....Anyone can bring it from anywhere. But healthcare workers have PPE to greatly reduce their risk. But if we provided the same PPE to visitors we would quickly delete our supply.And, yes, it is heartbreaking to die alone. I lost a very close family member last week (he wasn’t at my hospital.) But this virus spreads like wildfire From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Drum Kit Shirt

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Buy it:  Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Drum Kit Shirt .one on business trip when they died alone I’m so sorry you w had to go through that. I hope you’re doing better now?!! Especially if you can hit the  Never Underestimate An Old Man With A Drum Kit Shirt gym then the bar lol How many drunks going to maintain 6ft apart not gonna happen Katie McDonald my husband’s grandma is dying and no one gets to see her or say goodbye - it’s tragic! its killing me. My dad is 97 and I work in health care. Take my temp From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Quarantino De Mayo Shirt

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Buy it:  Quarantino De Mayo Shirt What are the protocols? This is my point. Allow one person and you check temp every time and they wear proper attire. but Quarantino De Mayo Shirt  why add even more possibility plus workers deserve to be protected from having more people come in. I totally agree. It’s in humane to not let someone be with their spouse or family member. That’s what mask are for. it’s hard but she should eventually get over it. I wasn’t able to be with either of my parents From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt

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Buy it:  Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt It kills every year and will keep killing. in phase 2 they will be able to visit with proper protection and good hygiene you are out in the world every day in all the states, you can go ahead and ask all the laid off nurses about it I Yes I Am Old But I Saw The Rolling Stones On Stage Shirt guess! I am traveling everyday and know nurses laid off all over. I don’t go by freakbook. I listen to a person and what they say not what is manipulated Yes, even wear masks and gloves-everyone needs a loved one-mental health is as important as physical health how do y’all keep a worker from coming in contact with residents From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Audi No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt

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Buy it:  Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Audi No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt in nursing homes. So sad. wait, how do you get your news if not through “the media?” Please share your non-media source of unbiased news.Candice Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Audi No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt  Bearden Same for the flu but that didn’t matter. No vaccine has ever worked for SARS in the last 18 years. MERS and every strain of flu. I bet you all forgot about them telling you that this was going to be an awful flu season with a strain the flu shot won’t even touch. From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Bmw No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt

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Buy it:  Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Bmw No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt I dont know you that way oh nvrmind lol I misread your comment. Sorry. I thought you were disputing what I said., Some people need more Yes I’m A Woman Yes I Drive A Bmw No You Can’t Drive It Flower Shirt  care than can be provided for at home. My sister-in-law is not mobile at all, and my husband and I both have really bad back problems, so we would be unable to care for her. 4 to 5 thousand have died from this virus From: Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt I people of that. ok I agree with that as I am taking care of my 91 year old father so he doesn’t go out no sweetie, you are not allowed to  Official Golden Retriever Face Mask American Flag Quarantined 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt bring covid in to your loved one, only the over worked ever changing staff at these wonderful state run institutions . I know which is sad. So they will just need to follow the restrictions for now until it is safe for all of the loved ones in the nursing homes. The nursing homes have taken a huge hit are you for real?Anna Smith yes bc they are immune. Don’t call me sweetie From:  Shop 2020coloringshirt

radio71shirt- Westside Connection Hip Hop Super Band Signature Members Shirt

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Buy it: Westside Connection Hip Hop Super Band Signature Members Shirt Trump asked about light and disinfectant injected into the body. There are two existing therapies; UV therapy as well as ozone therapy. The one that has the left all riled up is ozone therapy. This has been used for cancer patients: O3 Westside Connection Hip Hop Super Band Signature Members Shirt gas is infused into the body as a to improve the intake of oxygen while ramping up the immune system, thus more efficiently killing bacteria and viruses. You can Google it if you wish. Trump asked the expert off to the side if testing was being done relative to applying this to the coronavirus. But of course From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Crazy Guinea Pig Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Crazy Guinea Pig Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt so why is everyone in uproar over this? If you are a lay person and don't understand what he said then ask a medical person. His statement was so twisted around  Crazy Guinea Pig Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt  and misinterpreted, and this is coming from a Respiratory Therapist that has injected medicine in peoples lungs. Lysol brand has perpetrated misinformation and panicked the general public who doesn't know anything about lungs From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Rose Are Red Violets Are Blue I Hate Carole Baskin But Use Do Love You Shirt

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Buy it: Rose Are Red Violets Are Blue I Hate Carole Baskin But Use Do Love You Shirt This isn't really in doubt; there is no rational dispute of the truth of what I just wrote. There is only the question Rose Are Red Violets Are Blue I Hate Carole Baskin But Use Do Love You Shirt of whether you are just pretending to be a good person, or have the courage and integrity to truly be one. And that is a choice only you can make. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt since you expressed anger toward the simple truth I shared, I'm going to take advantage of having your attention: I'm sure you're a good person. I'm sure you are kind to Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt your family and friends, and that you give to charities and do charitable work and are generous to those in need. I'm sure you have nothing but good will for humanity. So I will tell you straight out that you are betraying all of that by your support for this transparently narcissistic, dishonest to an Orwellian degree, self-serving, corrupt, From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- The One Where We Work From Home Shirt

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Buy it: The One Where We Work From Home Shirt Too curious to resist the temptation, I went to The One Where We Work From  Tina's page and saw near the top her posting of a link to some worthless propaganda site claiming that Democrats tried to slip a provision prohibiting the pledge of allegiance into the aid bill. I mean, this is a person so completely divorced from reality that she simply laps up anything that appeals to her bigotries. It's horrifying that our country is in the grip of such ignorance and bigotry and incapacity to evaluate the credibility of information. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Tiger King Blow Out Your Candle And Make A Wish Happy Quarantined Birthday Shirt

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Buy it: Tiger King Blow Out Your Candle And Make A Wish Happy Quarantined Birthday Shirt You live under effect of the subliminal messages from your TV. Your "facts" are driven from the MSM which are false by design. The Deep State runs and controls the people via the fake MSM. Investigate outside of your fake news. Tiger King Blow Out Your Candle And Make A Wish Happy Quarantined Birthday Shirt Check into what Wikileaks released at least. Tina Welsh, again, you completely misunderstand: You are irrelevant to me. What you say is irrelevant to me. It has no meaning; it has no value; it carries no weight. it is mindless noise, uninformed, unreasoning, unconnected to reality. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Turned 2020 In Quarantined Shirt

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radio71shirt- Warrior vikings Shirt

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Buy it: Warrior vikings Shirt and company would take his words out of context to make it sound like he looked at the camera and said “hey let’s all drink bleach”. ANY disinfectant inside the body is indeed Warrior vikings Shirt dangerous and should only be done by a doctor. A footnote: if you take high amounts of vitamin C yourself, you will wind up with a buildup of hydrogen peroxide inside the body. Hydrogen peroxide is a DISINFECTANT. This is one reason why vitamin C is so effective against viruses on its own...among other reasons. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Beagle Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt

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Buy it: Beagle Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt I have 2 friends that are respiratory therapists and they said almost exactly the same thing. They both work in hospitals and ironically neither one have seen even one patient with the virus...not one. One is in LA and the other  Beagle Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt  is in Jacksonville. My brother contracted Transverse Myelitis from the flu vaccine and recently underwent a UBI treatment to boost his immune system. Oh, and while my brother had not left his house for nearly 3 months, he tested positive for covid-19 due to the antibodies in the flu shot. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Corgi Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Corgi Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt I saw him talking to the doctor too. What he was asking was if there might be something that might be Corgi Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt tested as a disinfectant for our insides similar to something we use on the outside. But safe for insides. Scientists test crap all the time. Maybe some natural concoction that might work. If we don’t get him for 4 more years we will all suffer. This virus will childs play compared to what we will have with the Democrats. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Yorkies Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Yorkies Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt I guess I was wrong in thinking most people are smart enough to think he meant exactly what he was talking Yorkies Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt about which was light, UV, and heat as a disinfectant so I guess it's right the media make a clarification for the mass idiots to think it meant liquid household cleaner. So sorry to assume people weren't that stupid for real. Ask Joe what he would do im sure his hairy legs of 16 17 we need to move faster so Donald trump cannot be re elected to the senate lol From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Chihuahua Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Chihuahua Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt really think you need to reserve judgement and not be too hasty in your decision. If you do a bit of reading in some comments by medical people you’ll see that they can Chihuahua Face Mask 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt put medications into inhalers during lung therapy and they are working on a small tube to be inserted during intubation that can deliver ultra violet light into the lungs. So even though he doesn’t use the medical jargon he did know they were working on these things. I think poor Dr Birx was appalled at the way he said it. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Crazy Chicken Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Crazy Chicken Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt And Trump never used the word "Lysol". So why did Lysol brand think he was talking about them, that's narcissistic on their part. Why would Lysol brand embrace that? Crazy Chicken Lady 2020 Toilet Paper Quarantined Shirt they look ignorant. So people, yes we do inject medicine into the lungs! This is why people need to know the facts and stop panicking people. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt

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Buy it: Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt I personally have dumped respiratory medicine down an Endotracheal tube directly into the lungs. When babies are born prematurely, guess what? Yes we "inject" Dogs Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Shirt the lungs with a medicine called surfactant that helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs. Antibiotics are sometimes injected into infected parts of lungs through a chest tube. So what I want the general public to know, is that we do "inject" medicine into peoples lungs, that yes act like a disinfectant (antibiotics) From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Drink A Beer Ride An Atv Make A Friend Get Along Shirt

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Buy it: Drink A Beer Ride An Atv Make A Friend Get Along Shirt \ I watched the clip about the "disinfectant that Trump talking about". People need to listen closely....and before I say this, I will tell you that I am not registered to vote and I don't vote. I am neutral. He is basically brain storming for an idea to Drink A Beer Ride An Atv Make A Friend Get Along Shirt help the lungs. He stated that the disinfectant kills the virus in one minute, so he proposed the question can we inject disinfectant (not Lysol), he used the word "disinfectant" ...in the lungs, but that is for the doctors to figure out. Now a lay person like Trump will say disinfectant and a medical person would say "medicine". Medicine dumped into the lungs happens all the time! I From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- In 1920 Women Won The Right To Vote Don’t Waste It 100 Year Anniversary Shirt

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Buy it: In 1920 Women Won The Right To Vote Don’t Waste It 100 Year Anniversary Shirt I was voting for this administration but yesterday’s statements by the President changed my mind. No, it wasn’t a sarcastic question to the reporters about disinfectant, like the President said. He was talking to Dr. Brix - I saw it. He asked if injecting In 1920 Women Won The Right To Vote Don’t Waste It 100 Year Anniversary Shirt s omething like a disinfectant into the body to kill a virus would work, and then saying to poor Dr. Brix “you’re going to test that, right?” She looked like someone had hit her over the head with a hammer. I wanted this President to turn this country around but this is too much - he needs to stop talking about medicine and let the experts give the facts. He’s making himself look like a fool. I’m so very disappointed. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Quarantined 2020 Shirt

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Buy it: Quarantined 2020 Shirt Why do we have all these Trump haters here? Are you that desperate that you troll here all Quarantined 2020 Shirt day for $2 from the Deep State? You all deserved Hillary. By now, you would have all been vaporized by a Russian bomb. As you recall, our troops were at the Russian borders at the end of Barak Hussein era. You can't fix stupids. From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt incompetent, uninformed, incurious, irresponsible malignant buffoon you have tethered your aspirations to because he panders to your religious fanaticism, cynically and in order to exploit your gullibility. But, here's the thing: It's not you that is being harmed by your choice to let him con you in this way;  Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  it's the rest of humanity. It's desperate people fleeing violence and destitution. It's people we've exploited and unjustly brutalized for generations being exploited and unjustly treated yet again. it's cruelty and injustice and inhumanity, and it is something that you are making yourself responsible for, something the shame of will you will have to carry long past death, marring the memory of you for all time to come, just s it mars those who have made a similar mistake in the past. From: Shop tr...

radio71shirt- Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt since you expressed anger toward the simple truth I shared, I'm going to take advantage of having your attention: I'm sure you're a good person. I'm sure you are kind to Teeth Face Mask The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt your family and friends, and that you give to charities and do charitable work and are generous to those in need. I'm sure you have nothing but good will for humanity. So I will tell you straight out that you are betraying all of that by your support for this transparently narcissistic, dishonest to an Orwellian degree, self-serving, corrupt, From: Shop trending shirt

radio71shirt- Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt

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Buy it: Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt incompetent, uninformed, incurious, irresponsible malignant buffoon you have tethered your aspirations to because he panders to your religious fanaticism, cynically and in order to exploit your gullibility. But, here's the thing: It's not you that is being harmed by your choice to let him con you in this way;  Sloth Mother’s Day 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt  it's the rest of humanity. It's desperate people fleeing violence and destitution. It's people we've exploited and unjustly brutalized for generations being exploited and unjustly treated yet again. it's cruelty and injustice and inhumanity, and it is something that you are making yourself responsible for, something the shame of will you will have to carry long past death, marring the memory of you for all time to come, just s it mars those who have made a similar mistake in the past. From: Shop tr...

Good Bot Leroy Shirt

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Buy it:  Good Bot Leroy Shirt Stop praising the protesters and charge them with crimes for failure to yield to emergency vehicles. They are blocking the entrances to emergency rooms. You can't praise the nurses and then praise the protesters who  Good Bot Leroy Shirt are stopping them from working. Ruby Turner not every nurse is trained to work in the ICU. I'm sure the highly trained critical care nurses are exhausted and they are bringing in reinforcements. Make sense? I have been an RN for 38 years and a Pediatric NP for 20. I could not BEGIN to do the job theses doctors and nurses are doing. God bless them! From:  Shop funny shirt : Shop 2020coloringshirt

Florida Man 2020 Tampa Bay Shirt

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Buy it:  Florida Man 2020 Tampa Bay Shirt Ruby Turner These are most likely Critical Care nurses that can take care of intubated patients with critical drips under sedation.. they  Florida Man 2020 Tampa Bay Shirt  are highly specialized and in very short supply. Just because you're an RN.. doesn't mean you're a Critical Care RN. And Bless Them ALL.. I'm a RN and Cannot do what they can. They are Our Heros!! Truly.. From:  Shop funny shirt

Health Care Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt

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Buy it:  Health Care Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt Stop praising the protesters and charge them with crimes for failure to yield to emergency vehicles. They are blocking the entrances to emergency rooms. You can't praise the nurses and then praise the protesters Health Care Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt  who are stopping them from working. You don’t get saved by flesh and blood, you get saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that only can save you, and that’s for eternity!! I’m so glad these ladies prayed first before they began their task to do all they can humanly possibly do, thank God for people willing to unselfishly give to others! From:  Shop funny shirt

I’m A Trucker I Can’t Stay Home Shirt

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Buy it:  I’m A Trucker I Can’t Stay Home Shirt Father God I pray in Jesus name I that you Father God be w these nurses & doctors. Please send forth mighty warrior angels &  I’m A Trucker I Can’t Stay Home Shirt  ministering angels to protect them & the lives they are saving. May you nurses & doctors ect experience victory for life upon life-& May God keep you all w good health & strength! God Bless you all real good; God hears our prayers & never forget the prayer of agreement w a promise (philip. 4). Called for such a time as this. In Jesus name I pray. Amen From:  Shop funny shirt

Impeach That Woman From Michigan Shirt

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Buy it:  Impeach That Woman From Michigan Shirt thank you for that! Yours is in my prayers as well. This you only live once community is rubbing me the wrong way! You can't walk a mile in Impeach That Woman From Michigan Shirt another's shoes without putting them on first!  i know rubbing me the wrong way too. There are a lot that are so supportive but a lot that are totally ignorant and ungrateful. They have no clue what is going on.. Trying to not have such horrible thoughts toward them. From:  Shop funny shirt

Michial Jordan If He Goes We Go Shirt

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Buy it:  Michial Jordan If He Goes We Go Shirt I would love to see pictures of how overrun these hospitals are. So many overrun hospitals.....yet all I see are nurses and doctors standing outside in groups of more than 10, applauding themselves for working We see tired Nurses Michial Jordan If He Goes We Go Shirt  who can’t even go home for fear of infecting their loved ones at home. Meanwhile we see Trump lying about a drug that he thinks these people should try even though 3 different Physicians have said it would not help and infact might make the patients worse or kill them. From:  Shop funny shirt

Impeach That Woman From Michigan State Map Shirt

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Buy it:  Impeach That Woman From Michigan State Map Shirt same here! My 19 yr old immune compromised daughter is a paramedic in a city with a nursing home outbreak and a veterans hospital! I barely get  Impeach That Woman From Michigan State Map Shirt  to look at her, much less touch! We should all be on our knees thanking God for these warriors God Bless Her. I am sure you are worried sick about her. She is in my prayers. People have no clue as far as the risks they are taking. God Bless them all. They are true heros! From:  Shop funny shirt

Mom The Real MVP Shirt

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Buy it:  Mom The Real MVP Shirt How about calling out the Trump supporters from protesting so they can do their jobs and not have more cases! So our police can focus on their jobs and  Mom The Real MVP Shirt  now worry about mass protests. They listen to every word you say. These are heroes! Why are they trump supports.. Some may be... why are you so against people exercising tier rights , if you give up yours.. that is your problem From:  Shop funny shirt

Mother Definition One Person Who Does The Work Of Twenty Shirt

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Buy it:  Mother Definition One Person Who Does The Work Of Twenty Shirt you might want to look up instead of down. Essential workers should get some sort of hazard pay. At least the same as the extra unemployment Mother Definition One Person Who Does The Work Of Twenty Shirt  amount. It all ends up in the pockets of businesses and wealthy people eventually anyway. The real money is in the deductions.  it’s not the time to be fighting about things like this. People who lost their jobs will have a hard enough time finding another job during a pandemic. I’m an essential worker and I would ask that you exercise empathy and humanity at this time. Thank you.  From:  Shop funny shirt

Newshound Leroy Good Boy Boop Shirt

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Buy it:  Newshound Leroy Good Boy Boop Shirt I understand that. My comment was to say that everyone that works in healthcare does not make a lot of money and if their hours are cut Newshound Leroy Good Boy Boop Shirt  in half they should be able to apply for unemployment. hint they are still working. The people getting unemployment haven’t got a job. I do think the ones on frontlines should get bonuses. I also think they chose their career and it comes with the job. From:  Shop funny shirt

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Buy it:  Nurses 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt where did you get that information from? What state  Nurses 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt    Understood, I don’t get paid the same as the VP of the company I work for. Is my duty to get either other career or get another degree to get a better wage do you speak of? You have a link or any proof of your claims? Let's see it. From:  Shop funny shirt

Official Essential Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt

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Buy it:  Official Essential Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt Exactly!There something wrong in this picture.They're paying too much for people who don't work although not fault of their own and yet here I  Official Essential Workers 2020 We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt  am or us still get up early morning to go to work because we're at front lines but we earn less than those who stayed home.This is a Socialism in my opinion. From:  Shop funny shirt